In May of last year, Trek launched a collective action movement that called on people everywhere to choose cycling over other modes of transportation. The premise was simple: choose a bike over a car for one trip each week, document your journey with the #GoByBike hashtag, and invite others to do the same.
We were endlessly inspired by your stories. Some of you dusted off bikes that had been long forgotten and showed the courage to try riding again. Some of you got groceries by bike or cruised the neighborhood with your kids. Many of you, even seasoned cyclists, saw the simple act of riding through a new lens of joy.
In its first year, the #GoByBike campaign inspired tens of thousands to take action for the good of our planet.
As #GoByBike moves into its second year, we’re thrilled to share some key findings from the campaign and let you know where we’re headed next.
In 2020, we partnered with the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Public Health on a study of cycling’s impact on our health, society, and environment. The full results will be available in mid-2021, but what we can tell you now is that bikes are definitely better for the planet.
The study’s early findings indicate that if 10% of the U.S. replaced one car trip each week with a bike trip, we’d see billions of dollars of benefits globally from improved air quality and the avoidance of planet-warming carbon pollution.
Since May 2020, at least 68,000 people have chosen to #GoByBike and inspire others with a post using the #GoByBike hashtag. And most remarkably, participation in the movement has grown steadily around the world by 2,000 – 3,000 new riders each week.
In a year of uncertainty, when more people than ever before turned to bikes for freedom and fun, the collective action of #GoByBike made a difference. And this is just the beginning.
Together, let’s make #GoByBike’s second year even better than the first. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.
Here’s where you can learn everything you need to know to comfortably, confidently make 2021 your #GoByBike year—like tips for commuting, how to carry groceries by bike, etiquette for bike paths, and a whole lot more.
How to join the #GoByBike movement
1. Choose your bike over your car for at least one trip each week.
2. Share the message by posting a photo of your ride and using the #GoByBike hashtag.
3. Invite others to ride and take action by tagging them in your photo.

About the Author: Trek
Our mission: we build only products we love, provide incredible hospitality to our customers, and change the world by getting more people on bikes.