South Africa
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A smiling girl in her school uniform stands behind a Buffalo Bicycle with a row of bikes behind her.

Together, we raised $1 million for World Bicycle Relief

A recap of our 2023 holiday fundraiser
A girl riding her Buffalo Bicycle to school in a rural area of Kenya.

Hope has two wheels

How World Bicycle Relief helps mobilize women and girls with bikes
Head-on shot of Madone handlebars with wind tunnel in background

Designing for speed

The aerodynamics behind our fastest road race bike ever

How to keep your trail builder happy

Seven things that trail builders hate, and five they love

The boom, the shortage, and the very bright future of bikes

How to find a bike when the whole world wants to ride

Trek joins the Responsible Packaging Movement

Joining dozens of other brands in an initiative started by prAna, Trek Bicycle signed on to the Responsible Packaging Movement to remove plastics from consumer packaging