Tracy Riding and Reflecting

T-MO Racing: A Legacy of Support and Growth

In 2012, I embarked on the T-MO journey, creating a brand and team after retiring from DH in 2011. Along the way, I’ve been fortunate to have support from various quarters, including cherished partnerships like the one with Trek UK.
Domane+ France

Have you ever considered testing at simulated altitude?

If not, you might want to start! Testing at altitude can be an effective way to improve your cycling performance.

2022 World Bicycle Relief recap

The Global $1.5 million donated puts 9,000 Buffalo Bicycles into the field
A girl in a school uniform riding a Buffalo Bicycle past a blue building.

Meet Smile

A student in rural Zimbabwe who’s chasing her dreams on a Buffalo Bicycle

Meet Locadia

The childcare worker and women’s savings group leader propelling her community forward on a bike