Guy Kesteven | How to Plan as Gravel Ride

Gravel is the fastest-growing way to enjoy your bike because there are so many possibilities in where and how you can ride. Because it’s mostly traffic free and super social it’s welcoming for a broad range of riders too. So much choice can make it hard to plan though, so our Trek experts have done the perfect gravel ride thinking for you.
Gravel Adventure UK

Gravel Adventure: A Tale of Discovery and Bonding

Meet Freya and her dad, Guy, a dynamic duo whose recent escapade into the world of gravel riding has set the tone for an unforgettable adventure.

Guy Kesteven | How to ride gravel | basic techniques

Gravel riding is a fantastic way to escape traffic, immerse yourself in nature and explore places old and new. Whether you’re gearing up for your first-ever gravel adventure or planning your biggest trip yet, this guide can help you grow your skills and enjoy any surface or scenario you encounter on the road less travelled.